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Actor Dropping Out Because of Death

Printed From: Community Theater Green Room
Category: Producing Theater
Forum Name: Directing
Forum Discription: For questions about handling shows, actors, crew, board members, children ...or do we repeat ourselves?
Printed Date: 9/20/24 at 8:52pm
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Topic: Actor Dropping Out Because of Death
Posted By: Fauxgoddess
Subject: Actor Dropping Out Because of Death
Date Posted: 11/05/12 at 11:42am
Our opening night is Friday night, Nov. 9.  An actor just emailed and told me that she might not be able to do the play (which has been plagued with problems from the beginning, which we've all overcome) because her husband's Mother broke her neck and might die.  I feel very sorry for their family because they are very close knit, and of course I urged her to be where she felt she needed to be.
Because her husband's Mother had been ill about a month ago, she missed rehearsals, so we had another actor start understudying for the part.  However, if the understudy has to do the part, we will need another actor to fill in *her* part.  it's a small part with a few lines, but mostly sleeps through the whole play.  I can probably find someone to do it, but it's only four days til opening, so not sure if they could do all the lines.
How would all of you other directors handle this?  This is a small community theater, and a cast of 10 women, and I've pretty much used up all the available talent for this play.

Thanks for any help you could give me!

Posted By: jtonner
Date Posted: 11/05/12 at 1:16pm

If you can find another person to play the understudy's role, let them do the show with a script in hand.  It is nice to try to make the script as unobtrusive as possible, but you do what you can.

Then, make a preshow announcement to the effect of " The role of (the actor who's mother has the injury) will be played by (the understudy) and the role of  (the understudy's original character) will be played by (the actor replacing the understudy) with book."  As long as you announce it before the show, the audience will accept it with no problem.  You can even preface this with a brief explanation, although you do not have to.  I have seen this done at a professional Equity theatre in the past, and we have done it in our group on more than one occasion.


Posted By: Thudster
Date Posted: 11/05/12 at 2:43pm
We had that happen, had to recast one of the main roles with one of the secondaries. The director ended up doing the secondary parts herself, just no other way to make it happen.

"Hey look! That's my dad up there whacking himself with silverware!"

Posted By: jayzehr
Date Posted: 11/05/12 at 4:25pm
Originally posted by Thudster

We had that happen, had to recast one of the main roles with one of the secondaries. The director ended up doing the secondary parts herself, just no other way to make it happen.

I'm sure you don't want to hear it Fauxgoddess but Thudster's suggestion might be the best alternative at this point.  You're also closer to knowing the lines than anyone else you would bring in.

Posted By: edh915
Date Posted: 11/05/12 at 9:59pm
jtonner is 100% on the money with his advice. Had a similar situation a few years ago, made the pre-show announcement, and the audience took it all in stride.

Essentially, we asked them not to look at the man behind the curtain, and they didn't.

Posted By: GoldCanyonLady
Date Posted: 11/06/12 at 8:41am
As a director of a small group I was notified opening night that an actress was too sick to get out of bed. She couldn't even stand up. I went on stage playing her part with book in hand and everyone told me that after the first couple of lines no one noticed the book. Except, that is for one funny time. I was playing the part of a palm reader and visiting a neighbor. We stood up and I asked to see her palms. The lines went like this:
Lead actress: What do you see (referring to her palms)
I was trying to examine her palms but the book was in my way so the first thing I ad-libbed was: "It is pretty hard to see anything with this book in my hand." That brought the house down. The whole experience was fun except I felt sorry for the missing actress. Her whole family was in the audience.

Barb Hofmeister,
MountainBrook Village Players, Gold Canyon, Arizona.

Posted By: Majicwrench
Date Posted: 11/06/12 at 5:05pm
 Another vote on giving someone a script if need be. Otherwise it can really crash if someone is out there who does not know the lines.
  I had a lead actor drop out of a show this summer 4 days before show. I had a bit part. Ended up taking his part, I knew the show well, and cast someone else in my bit role. All was good. The show must go on.
 Let us know how it goes!

Posted By: TonyDi
Date Posted: 11/07/12 at 6:52am
Not QUITE the same thing but I recall we had an Actor doing a show - who went through auditions, rehearsals and come opening night (and this is not related to having to fill in with someone else but you'll see the dilemma I think) but opening night who should show up to the door but the POLICE - with warrant in hand to arrest the actor - get this - for MURDER!!!! Yep that's right.  SCARY.  THEY however did allow him to go on with the opening night show while posted around the theater.  Then for the rest of the run you would be surprised to know that they "transported" him to the theater every evening to do the show then back to jail.  Talk about scary, insane and having to figure out how to do a show from opening night on through the run - if they had NOT allowed that to occur.  WHY or HOW they got away with that I'll never know - but it was one definitely for the book someday....whenver I write it.  But I could NOT make up stuff like this. Isn't that insane?  Fortunately I wasn't involved at all with that show - just was on the board and saw the show numerous times.  To this day I don't even remember what show they were doing - I think I was more worried about this guy, the cops and incidents than anything else.
Nuts huh?

"Almost famous"

Posted By: Thudster
Date Posted: 11/07/12 at 9:19am
That sounds like the making of a play right there, TonyDi!

"Hey look! That's my dad up there whacking himself with silverware!"

Posted By: jayzehr
Date Posted: 11/07/12 at 3:19pm
Originally posted by TonyDi

but opening night who should show up to the door but the POLICE - with warrant in hand to arrest the actor - get this - for MURDER!!!!

That's a great story. I'm wondering how the rest of the cast felt about spending the run backstage with a murder suspect.

Posted By: TonyDi
Date Posted: 11/08/12 at 6:51am
You know Thudster - I agree on that.  Maybe that's a good exercise for writing after I retire - end of THIS YEAR!!! YEA!!!!!
And Jay - oddly those whom I knew who were in the cast said the guy was a good actor, a super nice guy and had minor if any reservations about doing the show with him.  It was simply just too bizarre for words.  And he wasn't a SUSPECT - he WAS convicted murderer.  Apparently just got caught up in something that was most unfortunate - especially for the woman he killed - but it was your basic crime of passion or jealously or some such.  But the cast - while cautious about what they would say - didn't have issue with him because of his track record during rehearsals and throughout the run of the show.  Just definitely one for the book - honestly.
And Thudster - again yeah, this IS a great subject for a show - funny and tragic at the same time.  Hmmm?? Gears are turning now!!

"Almost famous"

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